What is CSMTP?

CSMTP(Custom Simple Mailing Transfer Protocol) is a module for sending emails using python. It is an abstraction of the smtp library


pip install CSMTP

...or you can get it from my GitHub Repo

Basic Example

from CSMTP.CSMTP import CMP
# Creating an CMP instance
mail = CMP()
# Assign your email
mail.sender_mail = 'example@gmail.com'
# the email password
mail.password = '123456789'
# mail host
mail.mailhost = 'smtp.gmail.com'
# Creating email content
subject = 'Test Email'
body = 'Hi, I'm email from documentation'
receiver = 'friend@something.com'
# Sending email using the send_simple_msg method
mail.send_simple_msg(receiver=receiver, subject=subject, body=body)